Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Day 3 - Bee

Bee was our second recipient in Cao Loc. She was so excited and happy she just wanted to get out and play she said. She held on to me and didn't want to let me go. I had forgotten to take off my jewelry. She was admiring my necklace and my engagement and wedding rings that were on my finger. She kept turning the rings around on my finger. The families always offer to share tea with us, but we try to be careful not to drink it because the water and living environments are not very clean. At Bee's house they also offered us bottled water, or so we thought. It turned out to be rice wine that they had aged for 3 months. I discreetly emptied mine onto the ground. Here is a picture of Bee in her new wheelchair with her family.
Bee and her family helping her out of bed
Bee, her son, daughter in law, daughter, and husband 

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